A Retreat to Cultivate Right Relationship with Food
Join us for a 3-day healing experience of physical, emotional, and spiritual detoxification to nourish your spirit and move towards right relationship with food.
This retreat will incorporate periods of silence, group processing, meditation, and community-building cooking instruction!
- Remove blame and shame around eating by learning about the modern food environment, addictive eating, and why it can be so challenging to eat healthfully
- Eat whole food, plant-based meals and enjoy the physical experience of non-addictive food
- Learn about plant-based diets as a solution for eating issues, healthy weight loss or maintenance, and overall health
- Engage in meditations and other practices to connect to our inner relationship with food, remove barriers, and heal wounds
Participate in fun cooking instruction with Lewis Freedman, RD, and Priscilla Timberlake, hosts of Friday Macro Dinner and authors of The Great Life Cookbook
All accommodations and meals are included (see below for pricing). Meals will be 100% plant-based, gluten-free, healthy and delicious.
Dates and Times: Thursday, Feb 13th, 2020 (arrival 4-6pm) through Sunday, Feb 16th (departure after 1:30pm)
Venue: The retreat will take place at Light on the Hill Retreat Center, a 200+ acre facility near Ithaca, NY, reserved for individuals engaging in deep, inner work. Light on the Hill offers a healing environment and beautiful, light-filled accommodations. For more information and to see photos, please visit
https://lightonthehill.org/ .
Retreat Leaders: Micaela Karlsen, PhD, MSPH; Kathy Pollard, MS; Rev. Rebecca Dolch
See below for additional details on retreat leaders.
Cost: Sliding scale of $460-$650 with the balance paid at the start of the retreat; an $80 deposit is required to reserve your place (see button above)
Retreat Leaders

Kathy Pollard, MS

Rev. Rebecca Dolch

Micaela Karlsen, PhD, MSPH

Kathy Pollard, MS

Rev. Rebecca Dolch

Micaela Karlsen, PhD, MSPH